Most ideas presented in research papers are never applied in practise. One reason for that is, that they don’t pass the test to practise. Be it for the different assumptions made in theory, high implementation cost, or unrealistic requirenments on computational power.


At Illusonic, research and development are tied together. Our research engineers are always also involved in implementation. So there is always awareness and steering towards implementability. This results in an extraordinarily high idea-to-product ratio and resource-efficient solutions.


Illusonic’s competence in audio and acoustics is reflected by more than 100 technical papers, books, and patent filings:

Technical Papers

A. Favrot and C. Faller, “Direction of Arrival Estimate on a Sphere,” in Proc. IEEE IWAENC., Sept. 2024.

A. Favrot, C. Faller and F. Zotter, “Covariance in non-coincident tetrahedral arrays,” in Preprint 156th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., June 2024.

M. Perrone and C. Faller, “Enhancing a Stationary Noise Suppressor with Artificial Neural Networks for Non-Stationary Noise Removal,” in Preprint 156th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., June 2024.

C. Faller, M. Ebri, A. Favrot and A. Oliva, “HRTF Model Using Decoupled Rear-Front and Elevation Cues and Applications,” in Preprint 156th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., June 2024.

C. Faller, “Modifying Audio Signals for Reproduction with Reduced Room Effect,” in Preprint 147th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., Oct. 2019.

A. Favrot and C. Faller, “Spatial B-Format Equalization,” in Preprint 147th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., Oct. 2019.

A. Favrot and C. Faller, “B-Format Decoding Based On Adaptive Beamforming,” in Preprint 146th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., March 2019.

C. Faller, “Compact Stereo Loudspeaker with Dipole Processing,” in Preprint 146th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., March 2019.

M. Kolundzija and C. Faller, “Advanced B-Format Analysis,” in Preprint 144th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., May 2018.

A. Favrot and C. Faller, “Adaptive Non-Coincidence Phase Correction for A to B-Format Conversion,” in Preprint 144th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., May 2018.

A. Favrot and C. Faller, “Microphone Selection Based on Direct to Reverberant Ratio Estimation,” in Preprint 143drd Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., Oct. 2017.

K. Brandenburg, C. Faller, J. Herre, J. D. Johnston, and W. B. Kleijn, “Perceptual Coding of High-Quality Digital Audio,” IEEE Proceedings, vol. 101, no. 9, Sept. 2013.

A. Favrot and C. Faller, “Adaptive Equalizer for Acoustic Feedback Control,” in J. of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 61, no. 12, Dec. 2013.

M. Kolundzija, C. Faller and M. Vetterli, “Multi-channel low-frequency room equalization using perceptually motivated constrained optimization,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Kyoto, Japan, 2012.

A. Favrot, C. Faller, and F. Kuech, “Modeling Late Reverberation in Acoustic Echo Suppression,” in Proc. IEEE IWAENC, September 2012.

M. Kolundzija, C. Faller and M. Vetterli, “Spatiotemporal Gradient Analysis of Differential Microphone Arrays,” in Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 52, num. 1/2, p. 20-28, 2011.

C. Faller, “Adaptive Beamformer Simulating a Highly Directive Microphone,” in Proc. 37. DAGA Conference, Mar. 2011.

C. Faller and H. Wittek, “Shotgun Microphone with Digitally Improved Directivity,” in Proc. 37. DAGA Conference, Mar. 2011.

M. Kolundzija, C. Faller, and M. Vetterli, “Design of a Compact Cylindrical Loudspeaker Array for Spatial Sound Reproduction,” in Preprint 130th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., May 2011.

A. Favrot and C. Faller, “Designing sets of N doubly complementary IIR filters,” in Preprint 130th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., May 2011.

F. Menzer, A. Brooks, P. Halje, C. Faller, M. Vetterli, and O. Blanke. “Feeling in control of your footsteps: Conscious gait monitoring and the auditory consequences of footsteps,” Cognitive Neuroscience, 2010.

H. Wittek, C. Faller, C. Langen, A. Favrot, and C. Tournery, “Neuartiges Richtrohrmikrofon-Princip mit erhoehter Richtwirkung,” in Proc. 26. Tonmeistertagung, VDT International Convention, Nov. 2010.

H. Wittek, C. Faller, C. Langen, A. Favrot, and C. Tournery, “Digitally Enhanced Shotgun Microphone with Increased Directivity,” in Preprint 129th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., Nov. 2010.

C. Faller, “Conversion of Two Closely Spaced Omnidirectional Microphone Signals to an XY Stereo Signal,” in Preprint 129th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., Nov. 2010.

H.-O Oh, Y.-W. Jung, A. Favrot, and C. Faller, “Enhancing Stereo Audio with Remix Capability,” in Preprint 129th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., Nov. 2010.

A. Favrot and C. Faller, “Complementary N-Band IIR Filterbank Based on 2-Band Complementary Filters,” in Proc. IEEE IWAENC, Sept. 2010.

A. Favrot and C. Faller, “Adaptive Equalizer for Acoustic Feedback Control,” in Preprint 128th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., May 2010.

F. Menzer and C. Faller, “Unitary Matrix Design for Diffuse Jot Reverberators,” in Preprint 128th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., May 2010.

M. Kolundzija, C. Faller, and M. Vetterli, “Sound Field Recording by Measuring Gradients,” in Preprint 128th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., May 2010.

A. Walther and C. Faller, “Linear Simulation of Spaced Microphone Arrays Using B-Format Recordings,” in Preprint 128th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., May 2010.

M. Kolundzija, C. Faller, and M. Vetterli, “Baffled Circular Loudspeaker Array With Broadband High Directivity,” in Proc. ICASSP, Mar. 2010.

C. Faller and M. Kolundzija, “Design and Limitations of Non-Coincidence Correction Filters for Soundfield Microphones,” in Preprint 126th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., May 2009.

M. Kolundzija, C. Faller, and M. Vetterli, “Spatiotemporal Gradient Analysis of Differential Microphone Arrays,” in Preprint 126th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., May 2009.

T. Ajdler, C. Faller, L. Sbaiz, and M. Vetterli, “Sound Field Analysis along a Circle and Its Applications to HRTF Interpolation,” J. of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 56, no. 3, Mar. 2008.

F. Küch, M. Kallinger, M. Schmidt, C. Faller, and A. Favrot, “Acoustic Echo Suppression Based on Separation of Stationary and Non-Stationary Echo Components,” in Proc. Int. Works. on Acoust. Echo and Noise Contrl., Sept. 2008.

A. Favrot, C. Faller, M. Kallinger, F. Küch, and M. Schmidt, “Acoustic Echo Control Based on Temporal Fluctuations of Short-Time Spectra,” in Proc. Int. Works. on Acoust. Echo and Noise Contrl., Sept. 2008.

C. Faller, “Modifying the Responses of Stereo Microphones by Post-Processing,” J. of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 56, no. 10, Oct. 2008.

C. Faller, “Microphone Front-Ends for Spatial Audio Coders,” in Preprint 125th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., Oct. 2008.

C. Faller, “Obtaining a Hightly Directive Channel from Coincident Stereo Microphone Signals,” in Preprint 124th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., May 2008.

A. Favrot and C. Faller, “Perceptually Motivated Gain Filter Smoothing for Noise Suppression,” in Preprint 123th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., Oct. 2007.

C. Faller, “A Hightly Directive 2-Capsule Based Microphone System,” in Preprint 123th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., Oct. 2007.

M. Schellstede and C. Faller, “Recording of Acoustical Concerts Using a Soundfield Microphone,” in Preprint 122th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., May 2007.

J. Merimaa and C. Faller, “Laterialization of Incoherent Narrow-Band Noise Bursts,” in Proc. DAGA, Mar. 2007.

F. Menzer and C. Faller, “Reduced Localizability in Sequences of Narrowband Noise Bursts,” in Proc. DAGA, Mar. 2007.

S. Winkler and C. Faller, “Perceived Audiovisual Quality of Low-Bitrate Multimedia Content,” IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 8, no. 8, Oct. 2006.

C. Faller, C. Gänsler, and M. Vetterli, “Two Stage Estimation for the Echo Paths in Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation,” in Proc. IEEE IWAENC, September 2006.

C. Faller and C. Tournery, “Stereo Acoustic Echo Control Using a Simplified Echo Path Model,” in Proc. IEEE IWAENC, September 2006.

C. Faller and C. Tournery, “Robust Acoustic Echo Control Using a Simple Echo Path Model,” in Proc. ICASSP, May 2006.

C. Faller, “Binaural Cue Selection for Source Localization: Motivation and Experiments,” in Proc. DAGA, Mar. 2006 (invited).

C. Faller and C. Tournery, “Estimating the Delay and Coloration Effect of the Acoustic Echo Path for Low Complexity Echo Suppression,” in Proc. Intl. Works. on Acoust. Echo and Noise Control (IEEE IWAENC), Sept. 2005.

C. Faller and J. Chen, “Suppressing acoustic echo in a sampled envelope space,” IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Proc., vol. 13, no. 5, Sept. 2005.

T. Ajdler, C. Faller, L. Sbaiz, and M. Vetterli, “HRTF interpolation considering wave propagation,” in Preprint 118th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., May 2005.

C. Faller and M. Erne, “Modifying Attributes of Instruments in Stereo Recordings Using Acoustic Information Obtained with Spot Recordings,” in Preprint 118th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., May. 2005.

S. Winkler and C. Faller, “Maximizing Audiovisual Quality at Low Bitrates,” in Proc. Intl. Workshop on Video Proc. and Quality Metrics for Consumer Electronics, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, Jan. 2005 (invited).

S. Winkler and C. Faller, “Audiovisual Quality Evaluation of Low-Bitrate Video,” in Proc. IS&T/SPIE International Symposium Electronic Imaging, San Jose, CA, USA, vol. 5666, Jan. 2005.

C. Faller and J. Merimaa, “Source localization in complex listening situations: Selection of binaural cues based on interaural coherence,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 116, no. 5, Nov. 2004.

F. Wallin and C. Faller, “Perceptual quality of hybrid echo canceler/suppressor,” in Proc. ICASSP, May 2004.

C. Faller, “Perceptually motivated low complexity acoustic echo control,” in Preprint 114th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., Mar. 2003.

C. Faller, R. Haimi-Cohen, P. Kroon, and R. Rothweiler, “Perceptually based joint program coding,” in Preprint 113th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., October 2002.

C. Faller, B.-H. Juang, P. Kroon, H.-L. Lou, S. Ramprashad, and C.-E. W. Sundberg, “Technical advances in digital audio radio broadcasting,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 90, no. 8, Aug. 2002.

J. N. Laneman, C.-E. W. Sundberg, and C. Faller, “Huffman code based error screening and channel code optimization for error concealment in perceptual audio coding (PAC) algorithms,” IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting, vol. 48, no. 3, Sept. 2002.

C. Faller, “Audio coding using perceptually controlled bitstream buffering,” in Preprint 111th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., Sept 2001.

B. Edler, C. Faller, and G. Schuller, “Perceptual audio coding using a time-varying linear pre- and post-filter,” in Preprint 109th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc., Sept. 2000.

M. Erne, G. Moschytz, and C. Faller, “Best wavelet-packet bases for audio coding using perceptual and rate-distortion criteria,” in Proc. ICASSP, vol. 2, Mar. 1999.


C. Faller, “Upmixing and Beamforming in Professional Audio,” in “Parametric Time-Frequency Domain Spatial Audio,” edited by V. Pulkki et. al, Wiley, 2017.

G. Enzner, H. Buchner, A. Favrot, F. Kuech. Acoustic Echo Control. in Academic Press Library in Signal Processing Vol 4, Academic Press, p. 807-877, 2014.

J. Breebaart and C. Faller, “Spatial Audio Processing: MPEG Surround and Other Applications,” Wiley & Sons, 2008.

C. Faller, “Spatial Audio Coding and MPEG Surround,” in “Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting Multi-Standards,” edited by Fa-Long Luo, Springer, 2008.

C. Faller, “Signal Processing for Audio and Acoustics,” Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 2005-2008. (200 page course book).

C. Faller, “Parametric Coding of Spatial Audio,” Ph.D. Thesis No. 3062, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 2004.

C. Faller, “Transform Coding with Improved Quality for Speech and Other Quasi-Stationary Signals,” Diploma Thesis in Electrical Engineering, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ), 1999.


We have not kept track of all patents that have been filed by our employees (estimating 100 to 400, depending on how these are counted, i.e. by inventions or by patent-filings, by country, continuataions, etc.).