IAP X (10.0)

Blog Highlights

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IAP X (10.0)

Major update for all IAP models

Klangschloss 2024

First public Wide Stereo demo

Clarity XXtreme Test

Optimisation of live speech in soccer stadium

Clarity Extreme-Test

University of Zurich Lichthof (Atrium)

Abschiedskonzert Fabio Luisi

Farewell concert livestream and video with 3D audio

Remote Tuning of Automobiles

APEI Webinar - Remote Sound Tuning of Automobiles

Opera Zurich Stage Monitoring

Can Clarity improve monitoring on opera stage?

APEI: COMSOL & Illusonic

APEI Webinar - Acoustic Results for Automotive Cabin Simulations

Montreux Jazz Cafe @ EPFL Lausanne

Montreux Jazz Cafe uses Illusonic Room EQ and Immersive

Illusonic Logo